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Thanks for taking some time to visit my website! I'm hoping that at least something here is *mildly* intriguing to you! I have been writing ever since I could remember, so I decided to make a career out of it. I graduated from the University of Central Florida's Writing and Rhetoric program in 2024, and this gave me the push I needed to fully get back into my passion.

It's funny how little I actually knew about writing at first. In high school, I was convinced I was going to be a master of novel-writing, and as exciting as it sounded at the time, I never fully connected with the genre. I thought that this was the only 'acceptable' writer's pathway and became discouraged over the fact that I wasn't the next iconic novelist.


Then college happened... and boy do I thank each and every one of my professors for empowering me in the way that they did. Throughout my studies, I was exposed to comics, zines, personal essays and more, and seeing these mediums uplifted for how rhetorically rich they were gave me the confidence I needed to embrace my craft. I was so focused on thinking a famous fiction writer was the only acceptable identity that I completely overlooked my niche, and more importantly, the value that all texts hold.


I really owe a big part of my identity to the professors I had, had it not been for their influence, I am not sure if I would have continued creating. The biggest lesson they taught me was the power of authentic voice and expression, which was my main goal all along, even before they shared their wisdom with me! (Also, HUGE shout-out to my Rhetoric of Comics professor who taught me the power "messy" art can have- this seriously helped me to embrace my power to make meaning out of my scribbles.)


I'd consider myself now to be a master of the 'mutt genre,' where I blend several means of expression to reach my audience. Connecting with this power gave me the creative liberation I needed to fulfill my goal- to leave an authentic piece of my voice behind in this ever-changing world. Even if I never become famous, I will still be happy as long as my works connect with the right person at the right time. With this being said, please enjoy exploring this window into my imagination!


Santana Rose wearing a flower crown, green top, and black skirt peering around a green bush


Santana Rose in a blue mermaid tail and wig holding her book "Mermaid Hazel"

ALSO ME (but dressed as my character "hazel")

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